

Terrace Garden

This small urban garden brings together natural elements of wood, fire, water and wind, and represents a section of a larger terraced garden.
It is an area of rest, relaxation and retreat from city life. Designed for a young, environmentally-conscious couple, it invites biodiversity, provides privacy and offers a tranquil setting for the appreciation of nature’s cycles. 

A narrow hoggin pathway curves through the garden to reach a sunken retreat that features a biochar kiln and a planted water feature nearby. Low seating in the sunken area creates a sense of being embraced by, and grounded in, the landscape. Low-maintenance flowering perennials and self-seeding annuals create a calming yet vibrant palette of pollinator-friendly flowers.
Trees underplanted with ferns and mosses offer scale and shelter, while grasses add movement and sound. Inspired by nature’s vital role in bringing respite to urban environments, the garden is created with industrial but sustainable materials including steel and wood, and deadwood provides natural textural accents. A native hedge forms the rear boundary and annuals appear to have self-seeded among the established perennials.

The design shows how small gardens can be beautiful and full of life and interest, but also low in maintenance and manageable for people with limited time and resources. For example, a clever water feature has been handmade from a piece of drilled wood, allowing the water to trickle through – easy to recreate at home.

Key plants: Echinacea (coneflower), rowan, fennel, mint

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