RHS Harlow Carr projects

Donate today to help create a range of stunning horticultural projects at RHS Harlow Carr. From planting trees to refreshing much-loved areas of the garden, your gift will help to keep Harlow Carr exciting and inspirational for you and future visitors

The Streamside

The Streamside and its planting are a defining character of the garden. Over the coming year, we will be continuing our work using sustainable techniques to manage water in the garden, reducing flooding and the damage its causes to the much loved Streamside. 

We want visitors to be able to make the most of the stream so we will continue to open up the planting to reveal its natural beauty.

Heritage Orchard

Harlow Carr’s fruit selection is to be expanded to include 17 new local varieties of apples. The Heritage Orchard will highlight the need to safeguard rare and endangered varieties and will light up the garden in spring with clouds of blossom.

Learn more about growing apples, choosing the right apple cultivar and the best methods for pruning and training with our advice on apples.

Revitalising and refreshing

Our plans are underway as we transform areas across the garden such as the entrance steps, which will be enhanced to create a beautiful experience from the moment you enter the garden.

Bursting with scent, colour and texture, the Scented Garden planting scheme will be refreshed to provide our visitors with new ideas and inspiration to try at home. The intimate Lakeside Gardens will also be updated, incorporating views across the lake and woodland.

Can you help with a gift today?

We need your support to help create and rejuvenate horticultural projects across the garden. Your gift will help promote exquisite horticulture at Harlow Carr for you and future generations to enjoy.

Donate today

“Many of our plans were put on hold in 2020 as we focussed on keeping the garden going. Now we’re in a new year, we can’t wait to start on these exciting plans across the garden. I hope that these changes will keep RHS Harlow Carr exciting, providing fresh interest and inspiration for our visitors.”

Paul Cook, Curator, RHS Harlow Carr

Got a question?

If you would like to find out more about our charitable work and support RHS fundraising appeals, make a donation, remember a loved one, or leave a gift in your will – contact our Development team.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.