This year there are 3.826 new plants - there seem to be about the same number of newcomers each year -

and 66 new nurseries making a total of 578.
The two new plants listed by the most nurseries are
Geum 'Cosmopolitan' and
Leucanthemum x superbum 'Shapcott Summer Clouds' (right, click to enlarge), both listed by eight suppliers. The geum is one of the Cocktail Series, in seven colours, developed in Illinois; ‘Cosmopolitan’ is a pretty pink and white bicolour. The frilly flowered white 'Shapcott Summer Clouds' was developed in Devon.
Coming next are six plants that are listed by six nurseries. I discussed
Clematis 'Prince George' here
when it was first available a few months ago, it’s white and flowers from July to autumn. 'Banana Daiquiri' is another from the Cocktail Series of geums, this one is primrose yellow. From Cambridgeshire comes
the double flowered
primrose Belarina Valentine ('Kerbelred') (left, click to enlarge) in deep red. The
Asian pea hybrid Benita ('Rafzas') I discussed last summer when it won an award at the National Plant Show.
Rudbeckia subtomentosa 'Little Henry' is a short version of the 2m tall ‘Henry Eliers’ with yellow fluted petals and
Thomas à Becket ('Auswinston') is one of the latest David Austin Roses, with deep red heavily scented flowers.
I’ll be taking a closer look at some of these new RHS Plant Finder entries over the coming months. You can find a list of suppliers by clinking on the names above. You can also
buy the new RHS Plant Finder direct from the RHS and access the
newly combined RHS Plant Finder and RHS Plant Selector on the RHS website.