Industry insider and garden writer Graham Rice shares details of new and exciting plant introductions
Bijou eucalyptus crosses the channel to make a splash in British gardens
A charming old calendula is refreshed and revived
Two new varieties from America mark an advance in the development of sedums
Exciting new iris from America's top breeders make it to Britain
With good manners and unusually rich red flowers, this new grass is a small garden special
'Mars Landing' is the latest in a series of new irises for pots, raised beds and rock ...
A new inky-blue, dwarf agapanthus has been launched by a Plant Heritage National Collection ...
The first hibiscus for patio containers is placed third in the Chelsea Plant of the Year award
A new colour in perennial salvias was runner-up for the 2017 Chelsea Plant of the Year award
A patio mulberry developed in Japan has won the Chelsea Plant of the Year award for 2017
A new pelargonium hybrid brings yellow flowers to this old favourite
Salvia 'Blue Marvel', winner of Best In Show at the 2016 New Plant Awards, is now ...
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