Little Acorns Gardening Club

Special Event

RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB

RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB


Wisley Lane, Woking


RHS Garden Wisley


  • Member


  • Non-member

    £4 plus garden entry


  • Skill level


  • Subject

    Special Event

Little Acorns is a pre-school gardening and craft club aiming to engage children with the wonderful natural world around them. Every session has a seasonal theme, a relaxed routine, a story and an engaging selection of practical activities. Some activities are inside and some are outside – whatever the weather! All activities are ‘planty’, ‘arty’ or ‘crafty’. Learning is by experiment or imitation.

There are 20 places available for each session 10.30am to 12noon
Sessions are suitable for pre-schoolers (ages 1 - 4)
You can book on an individual session
Sessions will take place on the following dates (usually the first Tuesday of each month, excluding school holidays:

Tuesday 14th March
Tuesday 2nd May
Tuesday 6th June
Tuesday 4th July
Tuesday 4th September
Tuesday 7th November
Tuesday 5th December
£4 per child (parents attend for free)
Normal Garden Entry applies, free entry for members.
Additional Info:
The sessions will begin promptly so please arrive 15 minutes before the session start time and allow 5 minutes to walk from the main entrance to the bird bath, just past the entrance where the session will begin.

Parent/guardian to remain with the group.

Participants must dress appropriately for woodland exploring and messy play.  The session will take place outside for the whole session.
We really hope you enjoy the gardening club.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.