RHS Members’ Handbook 2025

Sign up for your paper copy of the 2025 Handbook, exclusively for RHS members. The deadline to supply us with your preference is midnight, Friday 19 July 2024. A digital version of the RHS Members’ Handbook will be available to all members.

Sign up now

Handy tools and information to help you get the most out of your membership

Further ways to support us

Your support is now more important than ever to help us continue our charitable work. Because of you, we can teach children about reconnecting with nature; fund vital scientific research; protect the environment; fight pests and diseases; as well as support the gardeners of the future with training and apprenticeships.


As a charity, we rely on your support. You can give to the RHS as a whole, or to one of our dedicated funds.

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RHS Patrons

RHS Patrons enjoy an annual programme of events and help to support our charitable work.

Become an RHS Patron 

Life membership

With a Life membership, you get all the great benefits of an Individual membership – for life.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.