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Conservatory Greenhouse

Dendrobium amethystoglossum

A medium-sized, lithophytic orchid with long, upright or pendulous cane-like stems up to 90cm long. Deciduous, bright green, oval-shaped leaves, measuring 8-10cm are alternately arranged along the stems. Leaves usually drop off before the flowers appear, but sometimes they remain on the plant for longer than one season. Pendulous flowering stems up to 15cm long emerge from the upper nodes of leafless canes and carry 15-20 fragrant, long-lasting flowers. Each flower measures approximately 3cm across. Petals and sepals are pure white, with amethyst-coloured lip, from which the plant gets its name.

Ultimate height
0.5–1 metres
Time to ultimate height
5–10 years
Ultimate spread
0.5–1 metres
Growing conditions
Colour & scent
Spring Green Grey Silver Green
Summer Green Grey Silver Green
Autumn Green Grey Silver Green
Winter Green Grey Silver White Purple
  • Full sun
  • Partial shade

East–facing or South–facing or West–facing

Botanical details
Native to the UK
Clump forming, Columnar upright, Pendulous weeping

Dendrobium are epiphytic and terrestrial orchids with elongated, stem-like pseudobulbs bearing linear to ovate leaves. Racemes or panicles of showy flowers are produced from nodes along the stems mainly in spring

Name status


Plant range
Philippines (Luzon)

How to grow


Plants are best grown mounted on cork bark or wood if grown in conditions where sufficient humidity can be provided during the growing season. Alternatively, grow in a pot or basket, in an epiphytic, medium grade, bark-based potting mix with added perlite, moss, or coir. If mounted or grown in a basket, the plant will develop more pendulous form. As with many orchids, they grow best when the roots are slightly restricted. Therefore, avoid over-potting or frequent root disturbance. Provide bright light and high humidity in spring and summer. Minimum winter temperatures are 12°C and maximum summer temperatures are 22-24°C. Plant grows best with an amplitude of 8°C between day and night time. Plant requires a period of rest in winter - reduce watering and feeding in autumn, until warmer temperatures initiate new growth in spring. See indoor orchid cultivation


Propagation by seed is only possible in controlled laboratory environment. Mature plants may be divided when the plant overgrows the pot. Sideshoots (keiki) may develop on older canes -remove and pot them into sphagnum moss when the new roots are at least 2cm long.

Suggested planting locations and garden types
  • Houseplants
  • Conservatory and greenhouse

No pruning required. Remove spent flowers as necessary, but do not cut the whole cane unless completely shrivelled - usually after few years of growth. Oldest canes may be removed as long as there are enough younger canes on the plant.


May be susceptible to scale insects, aphids, mealybugs and red spider mite.


Generally disease-free.

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