RHS Affiliated Societies

With a 150-year history, today there are 2,500 RHS Affiliated Societies across the UK and overseas who champion the benefits of gardening among their members and in their communities

Join the RHS Affiliated Societies

Any gardening club, allotment association, flower arranging society, friends of a garden or community gardening group can become an RHS Affiliated Society. Groups can access a range of RHS benefits to inspire their members and build connections with other societies to share gardening knowledge.

Membership and other benefits

It costs just £45 annually (£55 for overseas groups) to affiliate with the RHS, for which your society or group receives the following benefits:

  • An annual free visit to one of our five RHS Gardens for up to 55 members (excluding RHS Glow and RHS Flower Shows)
  • 50% discount card for RHS Gardens for use by up to two members at a time
  • RHS Recognition Certificate to award to a group member who deserves special appreciation
  • Prestigious Banksian medal to award at your annual show
  • Downloadable show stationery
  • Invitation to our Affiliated Society Forums
  • Free gardening advice from dedicated RHS plant specialists
  • Access to our group Facebook page, information pack and judges and speakers list

  • Monthly copy of The Garden magazine
  • Access to competitively priced Public Liability insurance, Trustees insurance and Sheds, Equipment and Trophies insurance (available at separate cost)
  • Special Affiliated Society rate tickets for selected RHS Flower Shows

History of the RHS Affiliated Societies

Membership has a long heritage, with the first regional gardening groups connecting with the Horticultural Society of London (now the RHS) 150 years ago. This was initiated by Sir Charles Wentworth Dilke who put forward a plan for there to be a union between the RHS and the various provincial societies.

During wartime Britain, more groups joined (especially those involved with wartime food production) and today there are 2,500 societies across the UK and overseas who are all actively championing the benefits of gardening in their communities, helping more people to develop a love of plants and being outdoors.

What is the Banksian medal?

In 1820 the Banksian medal was instituted in honour of Sir Joseph Banks, one of the founders of the RHS. Initially it was awarded to exhibitors of objects bought to general meetings but, by the late nineteenth century, was given to societies for distribution at their local exhibitions.

Today, RHS Affiliated Societies who hold an annual show receive a replica of the original Banksian medal, which is awarded to the person who receives the most points in a show’s horticultural classes – fruit, flowers and vegetables.

Become an RHS Affiliated Society

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.