As well as the plant committees, the RHS has a number of thriving plant groups, run outside of the RHS, but still with input from the Society
RHS groups
As well as the seven RHS plant committees, there are three independent, specialist RHS groups, each represented on a plant committee. These sit outside the governance of the RHS and have national, and sometimes international, membership by subscription. The RHS and the groups have entered into formal agreements to use their expertise and resources to broaden their reach and to deliver the mutual and respective objectives, including promoting plants and horticulture to a far wider network. Their members contribute to Award of Garden Merit reviews and trials, horticultural competitions and shows, and have valuable input into many events in our gardens.
RHS Fruit Group
The RHS Fruit Group, which operates from RHS Garden Wisley, was formed in 1945 for members who enjoy growing tree fruit (apples, pears, plums and cherries) and soft fruit (strawberries, raspberries, gooseberries and other berries), whether in a large garden or a window box. The Chair of the RHS Fruit Group sits on the RHS Fruit, Vegetable & Herb Committee.
The group is run by RHS members, for RHS members, with close links to RHS Gardens Wisley, Harlow Carr and Rosemoor, and provides a place for discussion on fruit subjects with other enthusiasts, as well as opportunities to attend a wide range of events around the UK including lectures, guided visits and workshops. Benefits of membership include the Fruit Group Newsletter, published three times a year, containing details of events, advice, news and growing experiences, and opportunities to attend guided visits, seminars and workshops on all aspects of fruit growing, as well as advice on all aspects of growing fruit.
RHS Lily Group
The Lily Group is the oldest of the RHS groups - formed as a committee in 1931 and as a group in 1932, it celebrated its 75th anniversary in 2007. The Chair of the RHS Lily Group sits on the RHS Bulb Committee.
Membership benefits include The Seed List, where members of the group and friends around the world contribute their surplus seed of lily species and hybrids, other Liliaceae and plants from many other families. The list includes many plants which are virtually unobtainable elsewhere. There is also the Bulb Auction, when members' surplus bulbs are auctioned in October each year at different venues around the country, as well as events and garden visits.
The RHS is the International Cultivar Registration Authority for lily cultivars and cultivar-groups. Anyone raising new cultivars is encouraged to register them, a free service that aims to avoid duplication of names or other confusion within the genus.
Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group
Three groups of plants – one group of enthusiasts worldwide
Founded in 1915, the Rhododendron Society became known as the Rhododendron Group when it associated formally with the RHS in 1945. It has gradually evolved into the Rhododendron, Camellia and Magnolia Group of today and is the largest of the RHS groups, with a vibrant international membership.
The group is open by subscription to all enthusiasts of these three genera. The Chair of the RHS Rhododendron, Camellia & Magnolia Group sits on the RHS Woody Plant Committee.
Benefits extended to members include a yearbook and bulletins, the opportunity to purchase seed of Rhododendrons, Camellias, Magnolias and other woody and associated plants, study and workshop sessions, garden visits, weekend or longer tours at home and abroad.
The RHS is the International Cultivar Registration Authority for the genus Rhododendron. Anyone raising new cultivars is encouraged to register them, a free service that aims to avoid duplication of names or other confusion.