Clinton’s friendship story

Clinton Bell (right) riddling compost with Bandstand Beds treasurer Liz

Clinton Bell enjoys volunteering with his local community gardening group, Bandstand Beds on Clapham Common in London. Hear his story as he explains how he never expected to get so much from it.

I never dreamt that volunteering at Bandstand Beds would be so enjoyable, rewarding and fulfilling. It’s not just the physical side and the positive impact on the environment (because we are fully organic). It’s also feeling part of a community of friendly, down-to-earth volunteers, always chatting away while we work.

I started volunteering with the group in September 2023. I used to have a front and back garden that I gradually transformed from rather functional, easy-to-maintain spaces into beautiful, vibrant gardens that were bee and butterfly friendly and attracted many positive comments from friends, neighbours and passers-by. However, since moving, I only have a small roof terrace, so Bandstand Beds (just five minutes’ walk from where I live) gives me the perfect outlet.

I love growing anything that is clearly happy where it is and grows strongly and confidently.

“At Bandstand Beds community garden, we have an impressive range of fruit and veg and it’s incredibly satisfying when everything bursts out of the ground, a celebration of life itself.”

We pack an amazing amount into a relatively small space, thanks to Bandstand Beds Chairman David Dandridge’s passion and knowledge of what to plant and where. We have grown kale ‘Cavolo Nero’, rhubarb and gooseberries, to name a few.

After a couple of hours’ hard work, we sit down together and enjoy a welcome cup of tea. We take it in turns to bring biscuits and cake to share.

Volunteers enjoy a cup of tea

“I felt very welcomed and valued by everyone right from my very first day and feel that I’ve made friends for life.”

I would absolutely recommend volunteering with a community gardening group. It’s a great way to connect with nature in a practical and physical way and learn more about horticulture. It is also a great way of meeting new people and building a connection with the local community.

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