Sheila’s friendship story

Sheila Greenwood (left) and friend Dena Parker tend planters at Todmorden station

Founder and Chairperson of Todmorden in Bloom, Sheila Greenwood, talks about the friendships at the heart of this flourishing group.

Todmorden in Bloom is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year, and as one of its founding members I am honoured to be chairperson. A network of friendships rooted in a love of gardening and caring for the town is at the heart of our Britain in Bloom group, and it’s the basis of a strong team effort.

Some members are hardy perennials, such as my friend Jean, who has been involved from the start, building lasting friendships. We also have quite a few more recent recruits who are newcomers to our town. I like to think we offer a warm and friendly welcome, and as everyone is valued in the team, I decided to seek out their views on the importance of friendship in our gardening group.

Vicky, our secretary, told me:

“I felt very welcomed, especially as someone who is not from Todmorden, everyone was very friendly... Gardening around the town also helped me get to know Tod better, and I’ve met people (for example the Mayor), and gone to events that I never would have otherwise. The group helped me to make friends, but also helped me to settle into the town.”

Allyson (left) and Ann have found friendship through volunteering

Volunteers Sue (left) and Sandra share a joke at the county show

We like members to share positions in the team and encourage them to work to their strengths. For example, Sue brings her plant expertise and Shura looks after our online presence. Vicky joined just as we were installing new compost bins and since she has knowledge and skills in this area, Vicky is now our undisputed compost queen.

Another member, Nella pointed out that joining the group is: “great for newcomers, less daunting than turning up to a lunch club...there’s an immediate shared interest, and it makes you feel useful.”

And recent recruit Allyson agreed:

“I have never felt more welcome. Our friendships grow through little acts of kindness, caring and generosity. Some people swap plants and develop gardening partnerships, taking responsibility for different sites, for example, Allyson and Ann tend the herb garden with TLC; others provide lifts for those without a car.”

Everyone is offered a warm welcome at Todmoden in Bloom

“A network of friendships rooted in love of gardening and caring for the town”

Through chatting over gardening or just checking in through our WhatsApp group, we keep an eye on each other, offering support and help when needed. A good friend Dena reminded me that we are lucky to have friendly connections with other like-minded groups and she is currently working to set up links with a new charitable cafe.

Meanwhile, Chris, a man of impressive energy cares for the station garden at nearby Walsden, and also helps with the Canal Trust and Incredible Edible. The group as a whole are also The Friends of Todmorden Station, part of Northern Rail’s station adopter’s scheme. Our Facebook page reminds us of all the friendly support that we enjoy locally, keeping us connected to the community.

Finally, my fellow Bloomer and friend Bernie, a member of the local ‘Health Champions’ voluntary group reminds me that gardening is good for our mental and physical health.

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