Imagined as the metamorphosis of a former 1900s’ industrial site, the garden has been designed to illustrate how brownfield land can be rehabilitated using existing and repurposed materials to establish a new, sustainable and environmentally-aware landscape. With thousands of new homes set to be built on brownfield sites over the coming years, this garden reflects the challenges of inheriting poor soil conditions that many British homeowners will face.
The planting is based upon a mix of native pioneer species alongside endemic plants, which rehabilitate polluted soils – the type of conditions found in many urban environments – and clean the air through higher rate CO2 absorption. Garden-worthy shrubs and perennials that don’t require a lot of maintenance – or are in flower for long periods of time – add nectar banks and habitat potential for pollinating bees and other insects. The garden promotes trees, shrubs and other plants that collect carbon at higher rates and improve air quality.
This beautiful, soulful garden highlights a range of techniques that all gardeners can adopt to make the planet more sustainable for tomorrow. These values of custodianship and careful stewardship for future generations are embedded in Brewin Dolphin and inspired the creation of this year’s Brewin Dolphin garden.
The planting is based upon a mix of native pioneer species alongside endemic plants, which rehabilitate polluted soils – the type of conditions found in many urban environments – and clean the air through higher rate CO2 absorption. Garden-worthy shrubs and perennials that don’t require a lot of maintenance – or are in flower for long periods of time – add nectar banks and habitat potential for pollinating bees and other insects. The garden promotes trees, shrubs and other plants that collect carbon at higher rates and improve air quality.
This beautiful, soulful garden highlights a range of techniques that all gardeners can adopt to make the planet more sustainable for tomorrow. These values of custodianship and careful stewardship for future generations are embedded in Brewin Dolphin and inspired the creation of this year’s Brewin Dolphin garden.
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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.