Talks at Harlow Carr: Gardens for Life


RHS Garden Harlow Carr,HG3 1QB

RHS Garden Harlow Carr,HG3 1QB


Crag Lane, Harrogate


RHS Garden Harlow Carr


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  • Course running time

    Saturday 10 May 2025, 10am to 12.30am

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A talk by Guy Petheram a Garden Design lecturer and previous project manager for the BBC series Garden Rescue.  This talk will touch on how to create a nature friendly garden that is also modern and stylish, how to choose and use materials and plants to create habitat and boost biodiversity, how we can shift our perception about what gardens should do and what they should look like, and how maintenance of such gardens need not necessarily be more burdensome than more conventional gardens.

Speaker: Guy Petheram

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Answers to the most frequently asked questions about courses and workshops at RHS Gardens can be found here.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.