Make a bird feeder

It’s important to feed the birds in your garden as the weather gets colder. Remember that bird food often contains nuts, so avoid this activity if you have a nut allergy.

Make a bird feeder

What you'll need

  • A clean, empty, large milk container or plastic drinks bottle

  • Scissors

  • Strong string

  • Bird food

What to do

  1. Ask a grown-up to help you to make a hole in the side of the container. Make the hole a circle or oval shape about 8 - 9cm in size.

  2. Very carefully (the grown-up may need to help with this too) make a few holes at the bottom of the container in case any rain gets in.

  3. Fill your container with bird seed and use the strong string to tie the feeder on to a tree or somewhere else to hang. Remember to place it out of the easy reach of cats.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.