
The Boodles British Craft Garden

Sanctuary Gardens
The garden celebrates British craft makers by using their skills. Features such as the arbour created by Cox London, which serves as the destination within the garden and the floating pool by water sculptor Bamber Wallis, which mimics raindrops dancing across the surface.

Inspired by the Pre-Raphaelites’ stylised depiction of woodlands, the garden is filled with plants selected for their perfected forms. The intricate feathery form of Alnus glutinosa 'Imperialis', the weeping Betula pendula and the double flowered Rosa 'Félicité-Perpétue' which rambles over the arbour whilst coloured forms of grasses, sedges and perennials surround the pool. Collectively the planting reinforces the theme of Mother Nature conjuring miracles in the natural world.

Interior designer Rachel Chudley curated the collection of woodland-inspired furnishings by artisan craftspeople and Jake Catling of The Landscaping Consultants has created rustic, yet refined paths and a terrace using highly fossilised Chatsworth stone.

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