The Gender Pay Gap 2023 is based on snapshot data taken on 5 April 2023. At the time the data was taken, the RHS employed 1,380 workers of which 65.4% were women and 34.6% were men
Last updated 1.5.2024
Gender Pay Gap Report 2023
Throughout the year, the RHS has continued to put inclusion at the forefront of what we do to ensure that the RHS is a fair and inclusive work environment. Since the previous gender pay gap report, we have continued to embed inclusion in everything we do through creating dedicated Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing action plans for the different teams and departments at the RHS. With the Diversity, Inclusion and Wellbeing action plans, we seek to evolve our processes and ways of working to provide a better experience for all our people, volunteers and visitors.
What is the gender pay gap?
The gender pay gap is a measure of the difference of the average hourly pay between men and women across an organisation. As the RHS is a UK employer with more than 250 employees, we have a duty to carry out gender pay gap reporting. The pay gap reporting includes all workers at the RHS, which includes all full time and part-time staff, and casual employees and contractors.
In 2023, our gender pay gap details are as follows:

The proportion of men and women in each of the pay quartiles are as follows:

- The mean (8.97%) and median (6.02%) gender pay gap at the RHS in 2023 is in favour of men, however both of these measures remain lower than the national average of 13.2% and 14.3% respectively
- The RHS continues to employ more women than men, with women representing 65.4% of our workforce, which is higher than the national average which is 51%
- Women represent 56% of our Leadership team and 46% of all senior management positions at the RHS
How we are reducing the gender pay gap
Since the previous gender pay gap report, we have introduced our inclusive recruitment process, updated existing people policies and benefits, expanded our range of internal People Networks, and launched The Growing Managers Academy as we seek to continuously create an inclusive working environment for all.
“This year we have seen some improvement in our mean gender pay gap, which is driven by small shifts in the distribution of women across our pay quartiles. It is also heartening to note that our representation of women across different Gender Pay Gap Report 2023/4 levels is encouraging.”
Carole Goldsmith, Director of People
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