
Otherwise known as French pizza, this makes a perfect summer light supper dish.


Serves 3-4

1 tbsp olive oil
15g unsalted butter
Small bunch of thyme, leaves picked
800g onions, finely sliced
250g puff pastry (ideally the all butter type)
6-8 anchovies
8-10 black olives
Sea salt
Black pepper


Achieving the perfect results

  1. Heat the oil and butter in a large, heavy-based pan until the butter has melted. Add the onions and about half of the thyme leaves, and cook over a low heat for about an hour, stirring occasionally - they should be soft and slightly caramelised, but not brown. Season and leave to cool.
  2. Meanwhile, heat the oven to 220ºC.
  3. Line a baking sheet with some grease-proof paper (or you can just brush it with a little olive oil), then roll out the puff pastry until it's about the thickness of a pound coin, and place it on the baking tray.
  4. Brush the surface of the pastry with a bit more olive oil, then cover with the cooked onions, leaving a gap of about a centimetre from the edge, all the way round. Slice each anchovy in half, then arrange on top of the onions in a lattice pattern. Place the olives in the gaps between the criss-crossed anchovies. Sprinkle with the remaining thyme.
  5. Bake for about 20-25 minutes until the pastry is puffy and golden and serve warm with some salad and bread.

 This recipe is supplied by The Pantry and Parlour.

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