
Horticultural educator

A horticultural educator teaches about all things horticultural to a range of people, from school children to students and adult leisure learners

Training, qualifications and skills PGCE or other teaching qualification (QTS); horticultural qualification or knowledge/experience and some experience of managing/leading a team; HND Garden Design and Horticulture; degree in Environmental Science
Career progression opportunities A teaching role could lead to teaching horticulture more formally, consultancy and independent horticultural work, management or running your own courses.
Useful links RHS Qualifications
Chartered Institute of Horticulture
Get into Teaching

Focus on: Course leader and garden designer

Humaira Ikram
Redscape Design & KLC School of Design
Full time, salary up to £65k

I did a garden design course a few years ago after deciding I’d like a career change. When I took on the management of the gardening diploma courses for a horticultural school, I realised that there were things missing in my horticultural education and added them into the diploma course. I’ve tried really hard to make sure that the students are well prepared when they leave.

Go for it and never be afraid to ask questions if you don’t know something. People in this industry are really lovely and will help.

On a diploma course students learn the processes and principles of garden design. They also study sustainability and learn technical skills so they can produce professional work. Having access to libraries of plants, reference materials and an address book of contacts helps prepare students for their future roles.

Focus on: Education and Learning Manager

Emma Marsh
Full time, salary up to £35k

I oversee and share the teaching of the school visits programme at RHS Rosemoor, and plan our adult learning courses and workshops programme. I manage the education officers and support them in the delivery of the education workshops, which welcome about 9,000 children to our garden every year. I enjoy contributing to the teaching, and my background in school teaching enables me to do this with confidence. I plan the adult learning programme, with contributions from the curatorial team, I also book external tutors to run horticultural courses with us.

Study what you enjoy, do the degree or training that interests you, and know that there are opportunities to combine skills and experience to later on.

I spent 10 years working in the plant centre at Rosemoor prior to this role, while I studied for the RHS Level 2 and Level 3 qualifications. I completed a great practical course at the Eden Project, Cornwall, run by Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. This role links together aspects of my training and employment – I am very excited to have this opportunity.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.