
10 award winning shrubs with fragrant leaves

In summer, and in sunny situations in particular, scented leaves add a whole new dimension to gardens

The aromatic oils in foliage give off their most powerful scent when plants enjoy hot, sunny situations – and that tells us the best sites for most of these plants. All the recommendations below enjoy sunny conditions; many appreciate well-drained or even dry soil.

If you plant them close to paths and patios you can bruise or crush the leaves as you pass to enjoy their fragrance. See below for a selection of RHS Award of Garden Merit-winning shrubs with fragrant foliage. 

Sparkling with silver

Artemisia arborescens and its kin are a group of silvery-leaved plants with scented foliage.
Also known as wormwoods, artemisias are a group of fragrant silvery plants that appreciate a warm, sunny spot. One of the most widely-grown silver foliage plants, both in sunny borders and in containers, is Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ – closely related to the tree wormwood, Artemisia arborescens (see photo). Developing into a dense and bushy shrub, it makes a delightful specimen in smaller plantings, a good 'mixer' in larger beds and an excellent companion in large containers. The leaves are split, and split again, into lovely, slender slivers. 60cm (2ft).

Easy care and autumn flowers

Caryopteris × clandonensis 'Pink Perfection'
Caryopteris or bluebeard is an invaluable small shrub that is easy to grow; the foliage is grey-green on top, silvery green below and with an aroma reminiscent of eucalyptus or pine. There are also variegated and pink-flowered varieties such as 'Pink Perfection'. The award-winning selection Caryopteris x clandonensis 'First Choice’, developed by Hampshire plant breeder Peter Catt, also has buds that are an unusually deep blue-black. They open to tiers of rich blue flowers in August and September. 1m (3ft). 

Peanut butter bush

A sure talking-point for garden visitors, the jewel-like, starry berries of Clerodendrum make a colourful autumn display
The smell of the foliage of Clerodendrum trichotomum var. fargesii receives mixed reviews. The jury's out but I personally think that the occasional common name of 'peanut butter tree' gives a better indication of its intriguing aroma. The real charm belongs to its bronzed young growth, and masses of white, sweetly scented late summer flowers followed by bright pink and blue berries. 3m (10ft). H4.

Heavenly lavenders

Lavandula x chaytoriae 'Sawyers' is an old favourite
Lavandula × chaytoriae ‘Sawyers’, whose foliage features a rich lavender perfume, is a hybrid of hardy Lavandula angustifolia and Lavandula lanata with highly-silvered foliage and colourful, purple flowers. This truly is a hybrid offering the best of both worlds. 45cm (18in). 

Evergreen and ever-fragrant

Myrtus communis is festooned with white flowers in late summer
Every part of the myrtle is fragrant. It was once believed to have magical properties associated with Aphrodite and Venus, the goddesses of love. Myrtus communis subsp. tarentina is a dwarf type, making a neat, glossy leaved, evergreen shrub with small leaves. Has pink-tinted white autumn flowers and white berries that turn bluish-purple in autumn. Ideal in tubs. 1m (3ft). 

Sumptuous scents

The tall stems of Perovskia 'Blue Spire' provide welcome height and colour in late summer 
In August and September, Perovskia ‘Blue Spire’ is a real star. Since spring, its upright grey-felted stems have been developing and carrying finely-divided grey foliage which is a treat in itself. Then well-branched heads of small, lavender-blue flowers come out, creating a perfect combination with the foliage. And the aroma? A blend of lavender and sage. 1m (3ft). 

Minty leaves

Evergreen Prostanthera cuneata gives off a fresh, minty aroma year-round
The neat evergreen leaves of the Australian Prostanthera cuneata have a powerful, minty aroma. Best grown on a warm sheltered wall, or in a pot and moved into the conservatory for the winter. Its prettily patterned white flowers are like small violas that open on a dwarf, bushy plant in late spring. 1m (3ft).

Snow-white flowers

The white, pendant flowers of Ribes sanginuem White Icicle ('Ubric') herald the spring
The flowering currant, Ribes sanguineum, is the most dependably prolific of spring-flowering shrubs. The crushed foliage has a distinctive and much more appealing fragrance. White Icicle ('Ubric') opens earlier than most, is less vigorous than most and has impressively long strings of pure white flowers with no hints of pink, creating a pristine look. 1.8m (6ft).
Top tip! Prune for perfection

In late spring prune back the stems that flowered. This keeps your flowering currant bush healthy and attractive

Silver sage

With broad leaves and few flowers Salvia officinalis 'Berggarten' is attractive, neat and tasty

There are relatively few cultivars of culinary sage, but for foliage effect Salvia officinalis ‘Berggarten’ is the star. Producing very few flower spikes to detract from the attractive leaves, each leaf is unusually broad and comes in a lovely silvery-grey colouring. Making a rounded dome, ‘Berggarten’ provides plenty of leaves for the kitchen and is an effective small specimen shrub in a sunny place. 60cm (2ft).

Tactile foliage

Brush your hand through the scented leaves of Santolina 'Primrose Gem' to be rewarded with its fragrance
The appeal of santolinas, the cotton lavenders, lies in their finely-dissected foliage, their distinctive scent  and the pretty, button-like flowers. In Santolina rosmarinifolia subsp. rosmarinifolia ‘Primrose Gem’ the leaves are an unusually bright green while the mass of flowers are delightful primrose yellow – all held on a twiggy little shrub that responds well to annual spring pruning. 60cm (2ft). 

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