What to do with your old Christmas tree
When the time comes to bid farewell to your Christmas tree, you may be wondering what to do with it. There are plenty of environmentally beneficial options to choose from, whether you have a garden or not. Here are six top tips from our Chief Horticulturist, Guy Barter
Let it rot
Real Christmas trees are biodegradable, and unlike other many other types of timber, are free from wood preservatives. This soft wood rots away disappearing into the soil within a year or two if nature is left to take its course, providing habitat in the meantime.Simply cut up a Christmas tree into sticks and stack it neatly in a shady out-of-the-way part of the garden. The rotting tree fragments support many insects and other wildlife, as well as improving the soil and feeding nearby plants.
Shred it
Shredding Christmas trees greatly speeds up their decomposition. Shreddings make a good
Chop it and stack it
If you don’t have access to a garden shredder, you can chop the tree up with secateurs – sawing the trunk into short sections will help. The chopped-up tree can be stacked in an out of the way part of the garden where it will slowly break down and disappear, feeding and sheltering wildlife as it decays.
Create a dead hedge
Dead hedges are soaring in popularity as way to repurpose garden woody waste into design structures that benefit wildlife and can look great, whether its a simple boundary or something like this creative design feature at RHS Wisley.
If you fancy a dead hedge, composed of packed prunings held in place with stout posts, Christmas trees will make a good filler. Neighbours are likely to be keen to contribute their spent trees. This is another wildlife-friendly option.
Give it to a goat
Did you know, Christmas trees are actually a highly nutritious treat for goats, donkeys, alpacas and some zoo animals? Because of this, farms such as this one in Suffolk and this one in the New Forest, zoos such as this one in Cambridgeshire and this one in Somerset, and sanctuaries, rescues and other centres such as Kinedale Donkeys in Northern Ireland, may accept or request donations of Christmas trees at the end of the festive season.
Providing an enriching seasonal treat to animals has to be one of the most rewarding things to do with your old Christmas tree. So long as your tree is still green and not dried out, it will bring a host of health benefits – they are packed with vitamin C, antioxidants, and act as a natural de-wormer; as well as being great for gut health. We’re not kidding!
If you know of a goat, donkey or alpaca residency near you, or are near a zoo, check their social media or give them a call to see if they’d like your tree – and let a hoofed friend enjoy a festive feast. Just make sure your tree is completely free of any tinsel, decorations, chemical treatments or sprayed-on products before donating it.
Contribute it to coastal erosion projects
At various locations around the UK coast, including Lancashire, Cornwall and Ayrshire, organisations such as the Wildlife Trust and National Trust host annual Christmas tree planting events, where real Christmas trees are collected and used to stabilise sand dunes and create sea defences.
When partially buried in the sand, the trees capture sand to expand the dunes, preserving and restoring crucial habitat and improving sea defences to protect against coastal flooding. By donating your old real Christmas trees, you can have a great positive impact on dune environments.
Check online for Christmas tree collection for sand dunes and old Christmas tree planting events in your area. For example, in January 2025, Lancashire Wildlife Trust are calling on residents local to Flyde, Preston, Leyland and Chorley to donate their real Christmas trees to their dune restoration projects – find out how to contribute yours here.
Other ways to avoid post-Christmas eco guilt
- Potting up and reusing plants: After using living outdoor plants as decorations e.g. pernettyas, skimmia and hollies, pot them up and use them in the garden
- Choosing long lasting Christmas plants: Choose plants that you know will last in your home e.g. Christmas cacti that can last for years
- Growing your own baubles: Gourds and dried flowers can make great, natural baubles so have a go at growing your own. These can then be composted after use
- Composting your short-lived Christmas plants: Poinsettias are best composted and orchids alas are often short-lived. You can also disassemble and compost cut flowers, ivy and other evergreens used on wreaths and garlands – the artificial ribbons, fabrics, wires and frames can be retrieved and reused next Christmas
- Composting or recycle paper and cardboard: Paper and cardboard can be composted; although recycling is also an option as it reduces the number of trees that have to be felled to make wood pulp, the raw material for paper and card
- Sowing your seeds: If time hangs heavy on your hands in the Christmas break try sowing grape seeds, avocado stones and other fruity pips left over from the festivities – interesting houseplants can be grown in this way and this can act as an educational and fun activity for children. Citrus fruits can even be candied for a delicious treat
- Purchasing locally: Greengrocers fill their Christmas shelves with lovely apples, pears and nuts. These are environmentally sound if grown by UK fruit farmers or if they have taken a short trip by lorry from the Mediterranean. Try to avoid tropical fruits or crops that have been flown thousands of miles – dried fruits are ok as they travel by ship