Food is a universal connecter. Cooking and sharing food is a simple and meaningful way to bring people together, celebrate different experiences and share stories. This autumn, community and school growers used home-grown produce to cook something special in celebration of the RHS Big Food Share.
Although the RHS Big Food Share week has passed, you can still sign up to take part. Once you’ve signed up, you’ll receive your exclusive Big Food Share Toolkit, as well as early access to future campaigns. Tell others about your Big Food Share and find inspiration from other groups using the hashtag #RHSBigFoodShare.
There are plenty of ways to take part in the Big Food Share. If you’d like some inspiration, here are three event ideas you could try to share your harvest with your community:
Hear from food organisations and communities growing and distributing food across the UK as they share their favourite recipes with us.
Submit your go-to recipe for a chance to be featured in our community cookbook in 2024!
Here’s a few tips to help you host a successful food share. Why not try designing a menu to get your guests excited, or download posters to let everyone know you’re taking part? Harvest seeds as well as your veggies and save them in preparation for next year’s Big Seed Sow.
You don’t need to be a confident grower or have heaps of outdoor space to get involved in the RHS Big Food Share. Even growing your own garnish can add a special touch to your meal. If you haven’t grown any food before, you can still take part. Why not buy some veggies this year and try growing your favourite ingredients in 2024? Check out our advice pages to get growing.
The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.