Saving and sharing seeds

Prepare for the next growing year by collecting seeds from your plants, and sharing them with others

Pass on the joy of growing

Saving seeds is a great way to increase your supply for the next year, as well as reducing costs in your garden. By sharing and swapping your seeds, you’ll be passing on the joy of growing to others – you might even discover something new in the process.

Identify your seeds

Depending on the plants you are growing, their seedheads may look very different. Take a look at the photographs below to see a few different examples:

How to save seeds

Follow our handy guides to learn how to collect and store seeds

Five ways to share your seeds

So you’ve got your seeds – and now you want to share them? Why not try our ideas and spread some joy in your local area...

  1. Hold a seed saving day and invite others to come along to help you collect seeds. Use our handy resources on this page for guidance and invite people to share their own knowledge and experience.
  2. Invite others to make and decorate unique seed packets for your saved seeds – use our origami seed packet resource to get started.
  3. Hold a seed swap in your local community – this might be on your street, at school or with your community group. Invite others to bring along their excess seeds and go home with something new!
  4. If you can’t hold an event, how else can you share your seeds? Can you drop them off with neighbours or other community hubs like food banks or libraries (please contact local organisations to find out what they can accept before you do so). You could even leave some out in a communal space like your flat block reception area or, if you are lucky enough to have one, on your garden wall for passers-by to take.
  5. Create a seed library with your saved seeds – allow others in the community to donate seeds to your library and grow a local gardening resource.

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.