Run a community event

Hosting a local event is a great way to get people involved and to share your passion for gardening

Get your community growing with our top tips for holding public events – whether you’d like to organise a fundraiser, a clean-up day or a walk and talk around a community garden.


  1. Start with the aim – will your event be for fundraising, a one-off day of local action or a way to boost volunteer numbers?
  2. What will this event do for you and for the participants or audience? Make a plan of the benefits. This could also help with future promotions and fundraising applications
  3. How much will the event cost? Will it generate funds? Create a budget and plan in a contingency for unexpected expenses. Plan in time for fundraising if there is a shortfall
  4. Get a team together to plan, set-up and run the event. Depending on the event you're running, the number of people you need will vary. Give people roles to divide up work, making the process easier for all
  5. Check the legalities. Before any event, ensure you've completed a risk assessment. You'll need Public Liability Insurance before running an event or working with the general public. Make sure you or the community group have this and check what it covers. All Britain in Bloom, Its Your Neighbourhood and RHS Affiliated Societies have access to affordable insurance. You can also seek advice from the Association of British Insurers
  6. Does your event need plants? You'll need minimum of two to three weeks for seedlings to grow, but eight weeks and more for larger crops or plants. Harvesting or seed collecting events will need to be planned in advance 
  7. Think about how you'll promote or advertise the event to your chosen group of people. Ensure you have budget for promotion and use our guide for more top tips

Setting up an event

  1. Promote your event
  2. Gather all the equipment you need for the event, such as tools, pots, compost, seeds, plants, gloves, paper, hand-outs, planters, pre-made products or recycled items such as milk bottles or toilet rolls
  3. Consider refreshments. Provide tea and coffee or make food to share. This could be making food from your own crops or inviting people to bring a sample of their own produce or tasty treats
  4. If possible, ask people to sign-up to attend the event. This would give you rough numbers of who will come along, so you can prepare equipment food and plants. It also helps people firm the date in their mind
Not the resource you need after all?  Explore the rest of our community gardening resources 

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.