Acaena |
Lightly cover seed and use well-drained compost. Requires warm/cold/warm stratification. Germination may be slow and erratic. Germination can take up to one year at 10–16°c |
0.1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Adenophora |
Doesn’t like root disturbance. Sow directly into suitable container. Chilling may improve germination. Germination takes 30–90 days at 10–13°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Agastache |
Sow in spring. Lightly cover seeds with seed compost. Ideal temp 10ºC–16ºc, germination 30–90 days |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Althaea |
Leave seeds uncovered when sown, requires light to germinate. Germination can take up to 90 days at 10–16°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Amsonia |
Can be sown between autumn or spring. Sow on the surface of the soil and gently press in, the seeds need light to germinate. Germination can take up to 90 days at 13–16°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun, semi-shade |
Anemone |
Sow in spring or autumn. Lightly cover the seeds with compost. Require a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination can take up to one year at 10–15°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Angelica |
Sow in spring or autumn. Can be direct sown. Lightly cover the seeds with compost, as they require light to germinate. Transplant seedlings while small, large plants resent disturbance. Germination in 30–90 days at 10–15°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun, semi-shade |
Armeria |
Sow in spring or autumn. Pre-soak the seeds in warm water overnight before sowing. Lightly cover the seeds with compost. Germination in 30–90 days at 15–20°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Aruncus |
Sow in autumn. Require a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination can be erratic and may take over one year at 13–18°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Asphodeline |
Sow seeds at any time covering them very thinly with compost, seeds require light to germinate. Can be direct sown. Species resents root disturbance. Germination in 30–90 days at 15–20°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Asphodelus |
Sow seeds at any time covering them very thinly with compost, seeds require light to germinate. Can be direct sown. Species doesn’t like root disturbance. Germination in 30–90 days at 15–20°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Astrantia |
Cold stratify for four weeks. Leave seeds uncovered when sown, requires light to germinate. Germination can take up to one year at 13–18°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Baptisia |
Requires a very free draining soil. Pre-soak seeds in hot water for 12 hours. Germination can be erratic. Germination in 30 days at 20°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Campanula |
Surface sow in spring, as requires light to germinate. Germination in 90 days at 15–20°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Cenolophium |
Sow in the autumn, as needs a period of cold moist stratification. Very lightly cover with compost, as light is needed for germination. Germination can take up to one year at 15–20°c
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Centaurea |
Direct sow where they are to grow from early spring in any well-drained soil. Sow seeds thinly over the soil, lightly covering. Germination in 30 days at 10–15°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Cephalaria |
Sow in spring, lightly covering seeds. Germination within 90 days at 15°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Chelone |
Sow in spring, lightly covering with compost. Good drainage required. Germination within 90 days at 15°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Cichorium |
Sow in spring, lightly covering with compost. Germination within 30 days at 10–15°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Cyperus |
Germination can take 30–90 days at 18–21°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Datisca |
Surface sow, as requires light to germinate. Germination may be slow and erratic. Germination within 30 days at 18°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Dianthus |
Sow in spring, lightly covering with compost. Needs good drainage. Germination within 90 days at 15–20°c
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Dierama |
Sow in spring or autumn. Good drainage required. Cover to twice the seed’s depth with compost. Germination may be slow and erratic and can take up to one year, at 20°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Digitalis |
Surface sow seeds in late spring, as they need light to germinate. Germination in 30–90 days at 15°c |
0.5–1.5m |
Full sun, semi-shade and full shade |
Echinacea |
Sow seeds in spring or autumn, as they need a period of cold moist stratification. Germination within 90 days at 13°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Eryngium |
Moisten seed and place on a piece of kitchen roll and then place in a sealed plastic bag. Seed will germinate in 30 days at 15°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Erysimum |
Sow late summer for spring flowering, or late winter for autumn flowering. Lightly cover seeds. Germination within 30 days at 16–18°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Ferula |
Sow in the autumn, as requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Very lightly cover with compost as needs light to germinate. Prick out seedlings into deep pots to allow tap root to develop. Germination can take up to one year. After chilling raise temp to 15–20°c |
2.5–4m |
Full sun |
Foeniculum |
It may help to soak seeds for a day before sowing. Sow in late spring. Germination in 30 days at 13–18°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun |
Francoa |
Sow from late winter through to June, lightly covering seeds. Germination in 30 days at 13–16°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Gillenia |
Sow in autumn, as requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination within 30–90 days at 15–18°c |
0.5–1m |
Semi-shade |
Glycyrrhiza |
Pre-soak in cold water for 24 hours before sowing in spring. Germination within 30–90 days at 15–18°c |
1–1.5m |
Semi-shade |
Haplocarpha |
Sow in spring, lightly covering the seeds. Germination within 30–90 days at 18–20°c |
0.5m |
Full sun |
Helleborus |
Sow in autumn, as requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination can take up to one year at 16–18°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Hesperis |
Sow in the spring, lightly covering the seeds. Germination in 30 days at 18–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Hosta |
Sow in spring, lightly covering seeds. Germination in 90 days at 10–16°c |
0.5–1m |
Semi-shade |
Hydrangea |
Surface sow seeds in spring. Germination can be erratic, in more than 90 days at 13–16°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Semi-shade |
Hyssopus |
Germination can take up to 90 days at 13–18°c |
0.1m–0.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Iris |
Sow in autumn, as requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination up to one year at 13–18°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Kirengeshoma |
Keep moist and dark. Sow in spring, germination can be erratic. Germination can take up to 30 days at 13–18°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Kniphofia |
Surface sow, as requires light for germination. Germination can take up to 90 days at 13–18°c |
0.1–2m |
Full sun |
Libertia |
Sow in autumn, lightly covering seeds with compost or grit. Requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination within one year at 15–20°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Limonium |
Lightly cover indoors in early spring, or sow direct in late spring. Germination in up to 20 days at 18–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Lobelia |
Surface sow seeds in late winter, keeping the compost moist. Germination in 90 days at 15–18°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Lunaria |
Sow in summer, covering seeds with 3mm of compost. Germination may be slow and erratic and seeds may need a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination in 90 days at 15–20°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Luzula |
Sow in spring or autumn, lightly covering with compost. Germination in 90 days at 15–20°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Lysimachia |
Sow seeds in the spring or autumn, covering with a thin layer of gravel. Requires a period of cold moist stratification. Germination can be erratic. Germination in 90 days at 13–18°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Lythrum |
Sow in spring or autumn, lightly covering seeds. Can be direct sown into prepared soil. Germination in 30 days at 15–20°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Maianthemum |
Sow in late summer, lightly covering seeds with compost. Seeds need a period of warm stratification followed by a period of cold moist stratification. Germination up to one year at 10–15°c |
0.5–1m |
Full shade and semi-shade |
Malva |
Sow in early summer, lightly cover seeds. Germination can take up to 90 days at 16–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Papaver |
Best sown direct, lightly cover seeds. Germination in up to 90 days at 13–18°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Phlomis |
Sow in spring, lightly covering the seeds. Germination may take up to six months at 13–18°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun |
Potentilla |
Sow in autumn, lightly covering seeds. Requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination in 30–90 days at 18-21°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Primula |
Leave seeds uncovered when sown. Requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination in up to 90 days, at 13–16°c |
0.5–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Pulsatilla |
Lightly cover the seeds. Requires a period of cold, moist stratification. Germination can take up to one year, at 13–16°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Rodgersia |
Sow in spring. Leave seeds uncovered, as requires light to germinate. Chilling may improve germination. Germination can take more than 90 days at 10°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Rudbeckia |
Sow in spring, lightly covering the seeds. If germination is poor, cold stratify for four weeks. Germination in up to 30 days, at 16–18°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Rumex |
Propagate by seed sown in situ. Germination can take up to 30 days at 18–21°c
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Salvia |
Sow in spring and leave seeds uncovered when sown. Germination in up to 30 days at 18–24°c |
0.1–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Sanguisorba |
Sow in autumn. Doesn’t like root disturbance. Can be direct sown, or indoors preferably in modules, lightly covering seeds with compost. Requires a period of cold moist stratification. Germination in up to three months at 15–20°c |
1.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Scabiosa |
Sow in autumn, lightly covering seeds. Germination can be erratic, and take up to 90 days at 16–21°c |
0.1–1m |
Full sun |
Silene |
Direct sow in prepared soil in early spring or autumn, lightly covering seeds. Germination in up to 30 days at 16–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Sisyrinchium |
Lightly cover seeds. Germination can be slow and erratic, taking up to one year at 13–18°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Stachys |
Sow in spring, lightly covering seeds. Germination in 30–90 days at 18–21°c |
0.1–0.5m |
Full sun |
Tellima |
Sow in autumn or spring, lightly covering the seeds. Germination can take more than 90 days at 16–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun, semi-shade and full shade |
Teucrium |
Sow in spring, lightly covering seeds. Germination can take up to 30 days at 16–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Thalictrum |
Lightly cover seeds. Germination can take up to 30 days at 13–18°c |
0.5–2.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Trifolium |
Sow in spring, lightly covering seeds. Germination in 30 days at 18–21°c |
0.5–1m |
Full sun |
Valeriana |
Surface sow in spring. Leave uncovered as requires light to germinate. Germination in 30 days at 15–18°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Verbascum |
Sow in spring, lightly covering seeds. Germination in up to 30 days at 15–18°c |
0.5–2.5m |
Full sun |
Verbena |
Lightly cover seeds in autumn to early spring. Germination can be slow and erratic. Germination in 90 days at 18–21°c |
0.5–2.5m |
Full sun |
Veronica |
Surface sow seeds. Leave uncovered as requires light to germinate. Germination in 90 days at 13–18°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |
Veronicastrum |
Leave seeds uncovered, as requires light to germinate. Germination can take up to 90 days at 16–21°c |
1–1.5m |
Full sun and semi-shade |