Botanical name: Pittosporum
Pittosporum are neat evergreen shrubs that are perfect for sheltered, sunny locations. They come in various sizes, from large and conical to compact and domed, with shiny, often variegated or colourful leaves and small scented flowers. You can also grow them as hedging or clipped into simple shapes.
Pittosporum are prized for their glossy, evergreen leaves and striking dark stems. Leaves may be various shades of green, yellow, purple or silvery-grey, or variegated, depending on the cultivar. The flowers are usually small, brown and lightly scented, although some have showy white flowers with a strong fragrance.
They like full sun or light shade and a sheltered site, and are happy in any well-drained soil. They need plenty of sun to allow the leaf colouring to fully develop.
They dislike wet soil and cold, exposed sites. Many are hardy in most parts of the UK, but in colder regions they may need winter protection. Tender pittosporum must usually be overwintered under cover.
Did you know?
The foliage is popular for flower arranging, as it’s glossy and often has attractive wavy edges or contrasting dark stems. The leaves and stems don’t wilt, so last well in displays, providing the perfect foil for a wide range of flowers.
Growing guide

How to grow pittosporum
All the information you’ll need to grow and care for pittosporum in your garden.
Pittosporum we recommend
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'PBR
tawhiwhi 'Golf Ball'
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tandara Gold' (v)
tawhiwhi 'Tandara Gold'
- 4–8 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Pittosporum tobira 'Nanum'
Japanese pittosporum 'Nanum'
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Golf Ball'PBR
tawhiwhi 'Golf Ball'
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Pittosporum tenuifolium 'Tandara Gold' (v)
tawhiwhi 'Tandara Gold'
- 4–8 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Pittosporum tobira 'Nanum'
Japanese pittosporum 'Nanum'
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Useful Advice
Gravel gardens
Shrubs: evergreen by size

Shrubs: pruning evergreens

Trees and shrubs: establishment problems

Trees and shrubs: planting

Trees and shrubs: variegated foliage
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