Autumn-interest shrubs
RHS/Joanna Kossak


Autumn-interest shrubs

Autumn can be the most colourful of seasons, and it’s not just trees that put on a fiery display – many shrubs, large and small, are equally spectacular. The leaves of deciduous shrubs light up the garden before they fall. Some shrubs are still flowering enthusiastically in autumn, while fruiting shrubs are laden in ripening berries, which are a magnet for birds.


The leaves of many deciduous shrubs change to vivid, flaming hues in autumn, before falling. Other shrubs offer colourful flowers well into autumn, or eye-catching clusters of vibrant fruits and berries.


Choose a sunny position for most deciduous shrubs, to help them to flower and fruit well, and for producing the best autumn foliage colours.


Some of the more exotic, late-flowering shrubs, such as fuchsias, may struggle in cold or exposed sites.

Did you know?

Autumn foliage colour develops when chlorophyll, which gives leaves their green colour, starts to break down, just before the leaves fall, and reveals the yellow, orange, red or purple pigments, so typical of autumn.

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