
Lindsey O’Neill

Lindsey O’Neill has worked as an advisor for the Plant Health Team since 2021, answering enquiries through the Gardening Advice service. She now supports the Entomology team’s research into the natural enemies of the box tree moth

What do you do?

I provide both entomology and pathology advice to RHS members, helping to identify plant health concerns and giving options on management. I help to develop new web profile pages, and along with colleagues, have been developing new pages on the role of fungi in our gardens. In my new role, I will be conducting field and lab research into possible parasitoid predators of the box tree moth, and developing protocols. I will also be conducting reviews of our entomology web profiles and keeping our leaflets on biocontrols and pesticides up to date.

“The overuse of chemicals in horticulture has had a devastating impact on the natural world. By seeking to understand natural methods of control, we will help to develop alternatives for gardeners who want to protect the biodiversity found in their gardens”

Why is your team’s research important?

Managing a garden can be like a microcosm of life, bringing both ups and downs. The Plant Health team seeks to support the home gardener with helpful online resources and tailored advice to its members, as well as offering insight and fresh perspectives on the natural processes occurring in the garden and the benefits that these bring. 

Maintaining good plant health helps to create beautiful green spaces that in turn can benefit our health and wellbeing. Certain invasive insects, such as the box tree moth, have been devastating to many established gardens. By researching this insect's natural predators, we can contribute to the knowledge base that seeks to redress this issue in a way that works with nature and not against it.

Projects I’m working on now

  • Natural enemies of box tree moth
  • Developing new RHS web profiles on fungi

Completed projects



  • I have enjoyed contributing articles on wildlife to The Garden magazine, and developing my fungi identification skills through answering member enquiries

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.