Penelope Walker
Penelope is the founder of Llevelo Garden Design and has worked on a wide variety of commercial and residential projects. Driven by a passion for design, Penelope has received 5 stars for all four RHS flower show trade stands that she has designed in 2021 and 2022. In 2022, her RHS Chelsea design was featured in an article titled ‘Five Trends to Watch Out for in 2022’ by Homes and Gardens UK.
See The Panathlon Joy Garden
Penelope’s strength lies in her spatial awareness and ability to make a space fit for purpose. After graduating from the English Gardening School at the Chelsea Physic Garden, Penelope spent a year working at The Place for Plants; an independent Plant Nursery.
One of Penelope’s core beliefs is that design has the power to evoke powerful emotions. With a particular affinity for designing wellbeing gardens and ‘feel good’ gardens in the faith that a little joy can go a long way.
Penelope says: “There are plenty of exciting elements to completing a show garden. Firstly there’s the opportunity to be as creative as you like in any direction – only limited by your own imagination. To be as wild and free in your thought process as you care to be. To explore new ideas without needing to conform to a trend or fashion. From a creative perspective, this really is the ultimate project.
“At an RHS show there is the chance to pursue perfection; the planning time of a show garden enormously dwarfs that of any other project. Elements can be thought and re-thought over many weeks and months in a way that isn’t always feasible on other projects.
“RHS Chelsea has the camaraderie of team work and the emotional buy-in by some of the best in the industry. Suppliers are willing to work above and beyond as soon as you mention ‘RHS Chelsea’. Seasoned professionals suddenly light up with excitement at the prospect of being associated with a Show garden. Contractors understand the importance of ‘getting it right’ and make time to offer their expertise and guidance to be as supportive as possible.
“Each and every person on the project is excited to be involved from the sponsors and the charity to the contractors and the growers. The positive energy is unparalleled. Friends and family commit months in advance to helping out. People you hardly know proudly confirm they’ll be attending the show when they learn of your involvement. It’s extremely special and unlike anything that I’ve been involved in before.”
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