RHS Chelsea Flower Show

RHS COP26 Garden: Balance

Enjoy this beautiful selection of domestic garden settings designed for a warmer climate 

In the Balance area visitors found a glorious mixture of plants that might be considered tender in today's climate but may thrive in 50 years.

The area was divided into crescent-shaped sectors that, like the other zones, were centred around the Universal Window Box through different domestic garden collections.

The other zones


This spinning shape was interrupted by a semi-circular lawn at the front, fringed with longer grass and wild flowers that would attract wildlife.

A series of shrubs provided a backdrop to the Balance garden as a whole.

In front of this, a small selection of tender fruit, vegetables and cut flowers provided inspiration for a future garden that includes asters, figs, pomegranates and an orange tree.

A garden of possibilities

Beyond this area, there is a dense sweep of tender perennials and grasses featuring salvias and asters.

A final area featured ferns, including hart's tongue and painted lady ferns to frame the garden as a whole. This type of planting scheme could become more and more familiar as temperatures rise.

At the front of the quarter lay a closely mown lawn, demonstrating the importance of this feature to British gardening. Any danger of creating a monoculture was mitigated by a ring of longer grass interplanted with native wild flowers.

All the plants in the Balance quarter were deliberately selected to suit an average temperature of 2-3C warmer and with significantly more rainfall than we now experience.
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