In more detail
- A range of interesting herbaceous perennials is used, especially in part-shade – white flowered Eurybia divaricata, a splendid late-flowering plant blooms in one corner with a glorious purple-flowered aster hybrid, golden-leaved Amsonia tabernaemontana and ornamental grass Deschampsia, with its delicate seedbeds
- In sunnier areas, burnished tones of grass Sesleria autumnalis provide low level colour beside bright yellow sprays of x Solidaster and fiery tints from the divided foliage of Aruncus. Flat white heads of beautiful, ferny-leaved umbel Selinum wallichianum add a cool, clean note
About the garden
The M&G Garden is designed as a shared green haven for people and wildlife, set in a busy urban environment. It was originally designed for the May 2020 show, to stimulate conversations over the importance of urban green places – spaces that are vital to the infrastructure of towns and cities, but which are being lost in the push to build and develop. Eighteen months on from the start of the pandemic, the significance of urban green spaces is recognised as being more powerful and meaningful than ever.Designers Charlotte and Hugo have imagined an urban industrial past, and show how found materials can be turned into something extraordinary and sustainable, authentic and beautiful. Wherever possible, materials are reclaimed and re-used, including a sculpture of more than 100 linear metres of repurposed metal pipes, weaving through plants, trees and water, and designed in collaboration with architecture and design studio Mcmullan Studio. Tactile natural features provide added connection to the natural world, and a pool of water encourages and supports wildlife.
Trees have been chosen for their tolerance to urban climate extremes, such as the majestic Nyssa sylvatica (black gum tree), and the naturalistic shapes and silvery leaves of Hippophae rhamnoides (sea buckthorn) and Elaeagnus umbellata (autumn olive).
The changing of the seasons is represented in the planting of this garden. Beautiful species that are in their prime now sit alongside planting that has senesced, showing the beauty in seed heads and changing colours. This is a real garden, which reflects past, present and future. It will be relocated to a permanent pocket-park home after the show.
BBC / RHS People’s Choice Award
The votes have been counted – did your favourite gardens win?
Create this at home
Inspired by The M&G Garden
2m x 1m Planting Plan
Create your own -
‘Urban environment’ themed area inspired by The M&G Garden.
The M&G Garden is designed to be a shared haven of natural beauty and wildlife where we need it the most: the busy urban environment. Our aim is to inspire communities, architects and developers to improve the quality of life and health for city dwellers by creating sustainable green space in their plans.
ExH | Eurybia x Herveyi (syn aster 'Twilight') | x2 |
PC | Pennisetum alopecuroides 'Cassian's Choice' | x2 |
RD | Rudbeckia deamii | x4 |
SH | Sporobolus heterolepis | x2 |
SA | Strobilanthes attenuata ‘Blue Carpet’ | x3 |
ExH | Kalimeris incisa ‘Charlotte’ | x2 |
RD | Rudbeckia hirta | x4 |
Optional bulbs:
Camassia cusikii | x50 |
All Show Gardens
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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.