
The Trailfinders’ 50th Anniversary Garden

Show Gardens

In more detail

  • The planting in this garden originates from altitudes of between 2,000 and 4,000 metres. That's more than a mile above sea level!
  • Hardy plants such as rhododendrons and persicarias mix with more tender species such as hedychiums, colocasias and cautleyas

About the garden

The Trailfinders 50th Anniversary Garden celebrates the origins of the company, which sold its first overland trips to Kathmandu in 1970, and is inspired by the landscape, culture and plants of the Himalayan foothills.

Key features include a shelter inspired by the vernacular architecture of the region, positioned at the fork of a stream, and paths criss-crossing the garden.

The planting is representative of the temperate zone of the Himalayas. Statement plants include Pinus wallichiana and Dryopteris wallichiana, alongside flowering thalictrums, persicarias, actaeas and hedychiums.

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