The Addleshaw Goddard: Freedom To Flourish Garden
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The Addleshaw Goddard: Freedom To Flourish Garden
This garden advocates against the rising tide of ‘being too busy’. Inspired by a Norfolk colloquialism (slow you down), the design explores the mental health benefits of living an unhurried lifestyle, spending time in nature, gardens and gardening.
Taking its cue from the landscape of North Norfolk, gabions filled with natural materials represent coastal cliffs and also provide habitats for wildlife. The planting palette has a base colour of sandy tones in the bark of feature trees –Heptacodium miconioides, and flowering grasses.
Layers of lilac and indigo colours pair with peach tones in the flowers of Oenothera odorata ‘Apricot Delight’, Baptisia australis and Hesperis matronalis. The beds in the Garden feature many flowers that grow wild in the Norfolk landscape, including Silene vulgaris, Erigeron glaucus, Armeria maritima and Rumex sanguineus.
Silene vulgaris echoes the sandy tones of the hard landscaping and wildflower feel of the planting. Erigeron glaucus ‘Sea Breeze’ is a common feature of the sea cliffs and Crambe maritima, grows on shingle beaches in North Norfolk tying in with the Garden’s tidal narrative.
A public garden.
Where is the garden set?
North Norfolk.
Who or what is the design inspiration for the garden?
Inspired by the salt marshes and natural landscapes of North Norfolk.
Taking its cue from the landscape of North Norfolk, gabions filled with natural materials represent coastal cliffs and also provide habitats for wildlife. The planting palette has a base colour of sandy tones in the bark of feature trees –Heptacodium miconioides, and flowering grasses.
Layers of lilac and indigo colours pair with peach tones in the flowers of Oenothera odorata ‘Apricot Delight’, Baptisia australis and Hesperis matronalis. The beds in the Garden feature many flowers that grow wild in the Norfolk landscape, including Silene vulgaris, Erigeron glaucus, Armeria maritima and Rumex sanguineus.
Silene vulgaris echoes the sandy tones of the hard landscaping and wildflower feel of the planting. Erigeron glaucus ‘Sea Breeze’ is a common feature of the sea cliffs and Crambe maritima, grows on shingle beaches in North Norfolk tying in with the Garden’s tidal narrative.
At a glance
Who would use this garden?A public garden.
Where is the garden set?
North Norfolk.
Who or what is the design inspiration for the garden?
Inspired by the salt marshes and natural landscapes of North Norfolk.
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