Blackcurrant big bud mite
The vigour and cropping potential of blackcurrants can be reduced by large populations of big bud mite.
Quick facts
Scientific name Cecidophyopsis ribis
Plants affected Blackcurrant
Main symptoms Enlarged rounded buds in winter that fail to develop in spring
Most active January-May
What is blackcurrant big bud mite?
Blackcurrant big
Gall mites, also known as eriophyid mites, are minute animals usually less than 0.2mm long when fully grown. They have elongate bodies and two pairs of legs, unlike other mites which have four pairs. Their size means they can usually only be seen with the aid of a microscope. Their presence is readily detected by the distinctive abnormal plant growths induced by their feeding activities.
There are many species of eriophyid mite which are usually host specific this means that each species of mite will only feed on a single, or several closely related, plant species.
Eriophyid mites feed by sucking sap but while doing so secrete chemicals into the plant tissue that converts some of the normal (parenchyma) plant cells to
- Symptoms of the mites are most easily seen in late winter, when affected buds become abnormally swollen and rounded
- Healthy buds are pointed and longer than broad
- Affected buds often dry up, producing no leaves in spring, or stunted foliage and few or no flowers
- Affected plants can continue to crop well for several years and so some presence of the mite can be tolerated
- Dispose of heavily affected plants after the fruit has been picked and replant in autumn with clean new stock
- Purchase stock plants certified as free of big bud and reversion, these will have been inspected on the nursery and declared free of the mite
- One mite-resistant cultivar, ‘Ben Hope’, is available
- The affected buds of lightly affected plants can be picked off during the winter and disposed of away from blackcurrant plants
- Pesticides should not be used against blackcurrant big bud mite, none of those available are likely to have any effect on the mite and they will kill non target invertebrates..
- A blackcurrant bud can host hundreds of mites, which feed by sucking sap from the embryonic leaves
- The mites emerge in early summer and crawl over the plant in search of new buds
- They can be blown by the wind onto other blackcurrant plants
- The mite can also transmit a virus-like mycoplasma disease known as reversion. This debilitates plants, resulting in reduced yields of fruit
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