Walnut blister mite
During the summer foliage of walnut trees can become distorted and the underside of leaves covered with fine hairs caused by the feeding activities of a gall mite. This does not affect the health of the tree.

Quick facts
Common name Walnut blister mite
Scientific name Aceria erinea
Plants affected Juglans spp.
Main symptoms Blistering on upper surface of leaves and a hairy growths on undersides
Caused by Microscopic mites
Most active From late spring throughout the growing season
Scientific name Aceria erinea
Plants affected Juglans spp.
Main symptoms Blistering on upper surface of leaves and a hairy growths on undersides
Caused by Microscopic mites
Most active From late spring throughout the growing season
What is walnut blister mite?
While the mites are sucking sap, they secrete chemicals into the foliage that induces the abnormal growth. The hairy covering on the underside of the leaves could be mistaken for a fungal disease, such as mildew, but the mite is a not a problem. It does not affect the fruit and does not seem to have any harmful effect, apart from distorting the leaves.
If the mite cannot be tolerated and only a few leaves or shoots are affected by galling, these can be cut off and disposed of. If many leaves are affected, the presence of the mite should be tolerated, as removing affected leaves will damage the tree.
Pesticide control against this mite is unnecessary and would harm other organisms.
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