Community stories

See how schools and groups have been sharing seeds and engaging with their communities as part of the RHS Big Seed Sow

FARE Scotland

Read about how FARE Scotland work to engage young people in growing on their community allotment

“Community growing is so important. There are so many benefits, you are connecting and meeting likeminded people with a love of growing, getting fresh air and also tackling loneliness. Growing food can help you eat healthier and encourage the children taking part to have a more nutritious diet. We found that children are more likely to eat vegetables if they have they grown them themselves.
Growing also benefits the environment and helps to reduce our carbon footprint. Most importantly, we are making new friends and sharing our veg!”

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Thundridge Primary School

Learn how Thundridge Primary School in Ware have shared positivity with their local community through plants

“Each seedling was given a number and accompanied by a poem, as well as a drawing, joke or positive message. When found we could then share the positive impression it had made on someone’s day with the children and school.”

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Manchester Urban Diggers

Take on these top tips for hosting your own seed swap event for your local community

“Ask around neighbouring gardens and allotments, people usually have lots of seeds to share. We managed to get thousands of chilli seeds from a friend of the garden this year.”

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.