Grow Social is an RHS initiative designed to help combat social isolation. Last year, in 2020, Grow Social events across the country had to be cancelled or postponed as the UK went into lockdown. Since then loneliness is even more prevalent and your efforts are needed now more than ever.
With this in mind, we’re once again encouraging you to use gardening and plants to make new connections in your community. Grow Social aims to help break down barriers for people who may feel isolated or cut off.
Government guidance on getting together in person is still changing and varies between nations, so 2021’s Grow Social focus is on performing small acts of kindness to help everyone feel less alone.
Whether you want to let neighbours know you’re there with a doorstep seedling drop, or to encourage your community outdoors with a sunflower search, we’ve got resources to help you.
Request a Grow Social pack
Growing together: Grow Social and Bloom
Anyone is welcome to sign up to Grow Social, including Bloom and It’s Your Neighbourhood groups. Community has never been so important and over the last year we’ve seen appreciation grow for local green space.
If you request a Grow Social pack, please feel free to use it in whichever way supports your projects. You may want to raise awareness of your group or thank your fantastic volunteers.
Although at the RHS we’re promoting Grow Social in May 2021, we know it may not be the best time for you – the great thing about Grow Social is that you can still hold your activities any time of the year!
Share your Grow Social stories
We’d love to see your examples of making new connections through gardening and reaching out beyond the ‘garden gate’, to those that might not usually take part. Share your plans and events with us using #GrowSocial on Facebook and Twitter. Alternatively you can send us an email us to let us know what you get up to.
More ideas and inspiration...