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HouseplantsConservatory Greenhouse

Vanda Nitaya Crimson Lane ('Spcdw1806'PBR)

Medium to large-sized, evergreen, tropical epiphytic orchid, valued for its large, bright-coloured, long-lasting flowers. As a typical example of a monopodial growing orchid, the new growth emerges at the tip on a central, stem-like rhizome. The rhizome is covered in alternate, short, leaf-bearing sheaths. Strap-shaped, green or dark green leaves, up to 40cm long, angle out from the stem. As the new leaves emerge from the tip, older, lower leaves gradually drop off. A characteristic feature of the plant is an impressive root system that hangs downwards from the base of the plant. New roots emerge from the central stem, following the ascending growing trend. Flowering stems emerge from the axils of leaves and carry up to 8 large, waxy, round-shaped flowers. Long-lasting flowers of this cultivar are heavily patterned with dark red mosaic and spots. All petals and sepals are uniform in colour, shape and size.

Vanda 'Spcdw1806'PBR
Ultimate height
1–1.5 metres
Time to ultimate height
5–10 years
Ultimate spread
0.5–1 metres
Growing conditions
Moist but well–drained
Colour & scent
Spring Red Pink Green
Summer Red Pink Green
Autumn Red Pink Green
Winter Green
  • Full sun
  • Partial shade

East–facing or South–facing or West–facing

Botanical details
Native to the UK
Columnar upright

A medium to large-sized, evergreen, tropical epiphytic orchid, valued for its large, bright-coloured, long-lasting flowers, often used by florists. As a typical example of a monopodial orchid, the new growth emerges from a central tip on a long, central rhizome, while older, lower leaves gradually drop off. Strap-shaped, green or dark-green leaves, up to 60 cm long angle out from the main stem. A characteristic feature of the plant is an impressive root system that hangs downwards at the base of the plant. New roots emerge from the central stem, following the ascending growing trend. Inflorescences emerge from axils of leaves and main stem, and carry up to 8 large, waxy, round-shaped flowers.

Name status


How to grow


For successful cultivation and frequent flowering, plants require high light levels and long, light days. In summer, they would benefit from being in a warm and bright greenhouse or conservatory, but direct, mid-day sun should be avoided. Highly absorbent, sponge-like roots are the principal water-storage organs. Dark green or purplish tips of the roots may be observed as a sign of actively growing plant. They are heavy feeders and require regular application of orchid fertiliser between spring and autumn. High air humidity (70 -80%), good air circulation and regular misiting should be provided frequently when in active growth. In cooler climates with shorter days, plants may go dormant in winter. Misting may be reduced to avoid rots, but plants shouldn't be left dry for long periods. Ideal temperature range is 15°C in winter and up to 30°C during summer months. Plants can be grown in an open baskets, or in a coarse, bark-based epiphyte orchid mix.


Propagation by seed is only possible in a controlled laboratory environment. Mature plants produce sideshoots (keiki) which may be removed and potted separately, when the new roots (preferably 3 or more) are at least 2cm long.

Suggested planting locations and garden types
  • Conservatory and greenhouse

Remove spent flower stems at the base. Old, ''leggy'' plants with bare stems can be cut during their active growing season to reduce the size of the plant. Cut through the rhizome, below the new developed set of aerial roots. Lowering apical dominance by laying plant horizontally, or hanging upside down will support the growth of new roots.


May be susceptible to scale insects and mealybugs. Thrips can cause damage on flowers and developing flower buds.


Generally disease-free. Poor air movement may cause bacterial or fungal rots. Good hygiene practice and sterilising cutting tools prevent the spread of virus diseases.

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