
New plants: Cornus alba Miracle

This impressive new variegated dogwood is taking the market by storm – it’s not just a winter garden staple, but boasts spring, summer and autumn colour too

Three plants jostled for position as ‘top newcomer’ in the latest RHS Plant Finder – an accolade given to the new introduction that is offered by the most Plant Finder nurseries. I’ve already brought you news of Salvia Pink Amistad and Buddleja Little Ruby; now it’s time to present Cornus alba Miracle.

What’s so special about Cornus alba Miracle?

We’ve seen many dogwoods with red stems before. We’ve also seen dogwoods with

variegated summer foliage, and some of our most attractive dogwoods have good autumn leaf colour too. Bring these three fine features together, add new spring foliage brightly tinted in pink, and recall that this newcomer is just as easy to grow as other dogwoods – and perhaps calling it Miracle is not quite the exaggeration we may have suspected.
From late spring through summer and into autumn, the leaves are essentially green with a cream edge – but as the first pairs of leaves open in spring, the whole of each leaf comes brightly suffused in pink. This creates an irregular, almost bronzed central zone to each leaf, with a striking network of red veins. At the same time, the creamy margins are vividly tinted in pink.
In high summer, the pink colouring tends to fade, revealing the creamy margins to the green leaves. Then in autumn it returns in the form of increasingly reddish tones taking over before the foliage falls, revealing the deep red stems that bring new colour to the winter garden.

Where did Cornus alba Miracle come from?

We owe the discovery of the Miracle dogwood to the eagle eye of Dutch grower Henricus Verpaalen, from Zundert, just north of the border with Belgium. Back in October 2015, he noticed that one branch on one plant in a field full of an old favourite, the variegated Cornus alba ‘Elegantissima’, was different – it had a pink edge to its leaves.
Henricus propagated this one branch to produce several young plants. He assessed the young plants as they developed until he was sure that his new selection was stable and proved consistently different from ‘Elegantissima’ and ‘Ivory Halo’ in its red or pink leaf colouring, thus fulfilling the criteria for a new cultivar.

Growing Cornus alba Miracle

Miracle dogwood is just as easy to grow as other, older varieties. Plant it in full sun, in fertile soil that is neither parched nor waterlogged. Prune the stems down to about 5-8cm above ground in late winter or early spring. Feed the plant with a general fertiliser in spring, and

mulch with weed-free organic matter.

Miracle dogwood also does well in patio containers, a soil-based

compost such as a peat-free John Innes No.3 is ideal, but be sure to never allow the compost to dry out.

Where can I buy Cornus alba Miracle?

Cornus Miracle is available from RHS Plants or, for more options, click the suppliers link on this page in the RHS Find A Plant for a list of other nurseries offering the Miracle dogwood.

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