Common name: Wood fern, buckler fern
Perfect for any shade planting, these ferns are easy to grow and many will cope with dry shade once established. An excellent foil to other plants, they have a quiet charm all of their own when the fronds unfurl in spring to reveal the fresh, divided foliage. There are many attractive forms available.
The leaves form a shuttlecock-like, sheaf of bright green, triangular fronds. These emerge from below ground in early spring. In several forms, the fronds are crested or have a feathery appearance.
These ferns like moist soil in shade and appreciate yearly applications of garden compost or other organic material the first few years after planting. Once established, some can tolerate drier soil.
Full sun in summer can scorch these plants. An open site exposed to strong winds (especially if frost-laden) can damage young growth. Some species are more tolerant of sun and exposure, such as the male fern (Dryopteris filix-mas).
Did you know?
Ferns grow from spores, not seeds. Various shaped swellings (sori) containing the spores can be seen on the undersides of fronds and can be used by to help identify different fern groups.
Growing guide

How To Grow Dryopteris
All the information you'll need to grow & care for Dryopteris in your garden.
Dryopteris we recommend
Dryopteris sieboldii
Siebold's wood fern
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Dryopteris erythrosora
copper shield fern
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Dryopteris sieboldii
Siebold's wood fern
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Dryopteris erythrosora
copper shield fern
- 0.5–1 metres
- 0.5–1 metres
Useful advice
How to choose plants for seasonally wet and dry soils

Shade gardening
Shade planting: annuals, bulbs and perennials
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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.