2011 |
Getting to grips with peat-free |
Alexander PD |
The Garden, January 2011, 52-53
2010 |
Alternatives to Sedum on green roofs? Utilising plants’ cooling potential. |
Blanusa T, Vysini E & Cameron RWF |
World Green Roof Congress Proceedings, 15-16 September 2010, London, pp. 7.
2010 |
An examination of PAS100 green compost in green roof substrates |
Alexander PD, Blanusa T, Tanner, R & Williams R |
World Green Roof Congress Proceedings, 15-16 September 2010, London, pp. 12.
2010 |
Sub-irrigation of Petunia: benefits in dry summers |
Blanusa T, Kostoulas G and Cameron R W F |
Blanusa T, Kostoulas G and Cameron R W F
Download abstract
2009 |
Bedding plants in a changing climate |
Blanusa T & Cameron RWF |
The Plantsman 8 (4): 250-253.
2009 |
Growth and Flowering of Petunia and Impatiens: Effects of Competition and Reduced Water Content |
Blanusa T, Vysini E and Cameron RWF |
HortScience, 44 (5), 1-6
2009 |
The past, present and future for container growing media in the UK: balancing the needs of |
Alexander P D, Bragg N C, Meade R, Padelopoulos G and Watts O |
RHS Plant Finder, 2009 -2010.
2009 |
Peat in horticulture and conservation: the UK response to a changing world. |
Alexander P D, Bragg N C, Meade R, Padelopoulos G and Watts O. |
Mires and Peat, 3, article 08, pp 10.
Download article
2009 |
Replacing peat in ericaceous growing media. |
Alexander P D |
The Plantsman 8 (4) 226-229
2009 |
An assessment of the suitability of backyard produced compost as a potting soil. |
Alexander P D |
Compost Science and Utilisation 17 (2), 74-84
2008 |
Shoot dieback in clipped young Golden Leyland (Cupressocyparis leylandii) trees – a physiological |
Taylor N, Cameron R W F and Blanusa T |
Arboricultural Journal, 31 (2), 109-122
2008 |
Improving the establishment of bare-rooted beech (Fagus sylvatica) trees: use of root pruning and |
Blanusa T, Tanner R and Cameron R W F |
SEESOIL Journal, 17, 107
2008 |
Roots – to leave, tease or cut? |
Blanusa T and Cameron R |
The Plantsman 7(3), 182-185
2008 |
Are INKARHO rhododendrons more lime tolerant than traditional calcifuge rhododendrons? |
Alexander P D
SEESOIL, Journal of the South East England Soils Discussion Group.
2008 |
Peat in horticulture and conservation: the past, present and future for container growing media |
Alexander P D, Bragg N C, Meade R, Padelopoulos G and Watts O |
The Plantsman
2008 |
Science and the Royal Horticultural Society. |
Prior C and Alexander P D |
SEESOIL, Journal of the South East England Soils Discussion Group.
2008 |
Sections on soils and compost. |
Alexander P D |
Spencer-Jones, R. (ed). 2008. RHS New Encyclopedia of Gardening Techniques, Mitchell Beazley, London.
2007 |
Effect of turning and vessel type on compost temperature and composition in backyard composting. |
Alexander P D |
Compost Science and Utilisation, 15 (3), 167 – 175.
2007 |
Cultivar differences accumulation of cadmium, copper, lead and zinc in commonly grown vegetables. |
Alexander P D and Alloway B J |
Poster presented to Tracel, 2nd International Symposium on Trace Elements and Health, Helsinki, Finland, 18-20/6/07.
2007 |
Root pruning as a means to encourage root growth in two ornamental shrubs, Buddleja davidii ‘Summer |
Blanusa T, PapadogiannakisE, Tanner R and Cameron R W F |
Journal of Horticultural Science and Biotechnology, 82 (4), 521-528
2006 |
The Science of Composting: Sustainability of horticultural practices |
Stentiford E and Alexander P D |
Poster presented at a technical meeting: Plant Network conference.
2006 |
Peat alternatives, trials and examples. |
Alexander P D |
Poster presented at a technical meeting: Plant Network conference.
2006 |
Genotypic variations in the accumulation of Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn |
Alexander P D, Alloway B J and Dourado A M |
Environmental Pollution, 144 (3), 736-745.
2005 |
The Science of Composting: Compost – Environmental Hazard or a Gardeners best friend? |
Stentiford E and Alexander P D |
Poster presented at a technical meeting: RHS, Vincent Square, London.
2005 |
Peat–reduced and peat-free ericaceous growing media – An on-going assessment with camellia. |
Alexander P D |
Poster presented to ISHS / IPS International Symposium on Growing Media, Angers.
2004 |
Variations in the accumulation of heavy metals between species and varieties of garden vegetables. |
Alexander P D and Alloway B J |
Poster presented at a technical meeting: SEESOIL winter meeting.
2004 |
Vegetable accumulation of heavy metals by garden vegetables – getting the message to the gardener. |
Alexander P D and Alloway B J |
Poster presented to Speciation and Toxicity conference, UCL-Birkbeck London.
2002 |
An investigation into the performance of rhododendrons on lime-tolerant rootstocks. |
Alexander P D |
Poster presented to the International Rhododendron Conference.
2001 |
Acidifying garden soils for acid-loving plants: comparison of organic soil acidifying treatments. |
Alexander P D |
Poster presented to Wood Recycling, Composting and Endangered Tree Conference.