RHS Malvern Spring Festival

The HomeAway Garden

Show Gardens

Inspired by family holidays in northwest Brittany, the HomeAway Garden imagines a once neglected garden transformed into a second home country retreat.

Set against the backdrop of the remains of an old storage barn where cats hideout, swallows nest and lizards rest, it provides a shared space for existing wildlife and its new owner to enjoy.

Recalling elements of the landscape beyond, the garden features a central seating area inspired by the nearby town, planted stoney areas that nod to the rocky coastal headlands with their cliff-hanging plants, and dusty pathways flanked by tough plants – seen along the dunes and coastal pathways.

Echoes of French formal and domestic gardens are in the formal layout of paths and hedges and the blending of serene coastal hues and exotic planting, such as the yucca-leaved beschorneria (Beschorneria yuccoides), various agaves, Trachycarpus fortunei, rock dwelling Crithmum maritimum and fennel, along with four feature trees.

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