Did you know...
- The garden features an impressive multi-stemmed tree; Malus 'Almey', a crab apple which develops a wide spreading canopy of dark, red-tinged glossy leaves, ideal for providing shade and producing a mass of pink flowers in spring
- Plants growing on the sunny sides of the mounds include white flowered annual Agrostemma 'Ocean Pearl', Yellow Coreopsis, beautiful Alyogyne with its hibiscus-like blooms, low growing, glaucous-leaved Euphorbia mysrinites, spiky Eryngium, Gaura and Pennisetum. All of these plants are sun lovers needing well drained conditions
- In the cool moist shade ferns, hostas, Tiarella and larger plants such as exquisite Anemone Wild Swan with its blue flush white blooms thrive. The showiest plant here is voluptuous Hydrangea arborecsens 'Annabelle' with huge heads of greenish cream blooms
About the garden
With predicted rising future temperatures The Oasis Garden provides shady spaces for plants and people living in an urban apartment complex with a southfacing courtyard. The garden has been designed to create microclimates so that a range of planting can still be grown and enjoyed despite hotter weather.Three large pyramid structures frame the entrance and absorb most of the day’s hot weather. Nestled behind each are green living walls and pockets of lush planting. The dry, dusty pyramid faces contrast with the lush planting and cool inner courtyard where apartment residents can relax and socialise. The planting palette is lush and green with a rich tapestry as well as dry, wiry and glaucous. A central large specimen tree casts shade, complemented by cool, calming colours.
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