RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

Perennial Immerse

Water garden
Immerse is a collaboration between sponsor and contractor Living Landscapes, first time show garden designer Cherry Carmen and Perennial, the charity that looks after gardeners and everyone who cares for our green spaces when times get tough. Having just finished a second round of chemotherapy, Cherry understands from personal experience the value of this type of support.

Emerging from illness, Cherry’s design flows with positive energy, capturing a sense of being protected and nurtured, as well as revitalised and inspired. It incorporates an innovative recessed seating area below ground level, with cascading water walls on three sides forming an intimate space for reflection. The hard landscaping supplied by CED Stone Ltd gives this water garden its strong, modern lines, while the unstructured, textured planting adds a comforting softness. Planting on the upper level is grassy, with lots of movement. Plane trees, trained to form a parasol, are under-planted with woodland shade-loving wildflowers. Moving down the stairs, there is an abundance of lush, wide-leafed plants. 

The creation of Immerse has only been made possible thanks to the support and generosity of many partners, suppliers and volunteers including CED Stone Ltd, CouCou Design, Griffin Nurseries, Landscape Plus, North Hill Nurseries, Oase, KC Fibreglass, Anglo Aquatics and Verdon Grey.  
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