RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

‘Missing Collections’ list seeks homes for at-risk plants

The search is on for new National Plant Collection holders who could host one of the 15 plant groups that Plant Heritage – the plant conservation charity – have highlighted as being at risk of being lost

The Missing Collections list

About National Collections

WHAT: A National Plant Collection is a registered and documented collection of a group of plants. These can be linked botanically by plant group, or perhaps have a shared history or geography. The RHS holds 30 National Collections across their gardens.
WHY: Having a registered home keeps plants safe from the precarious position of possibly falling out of fashion and no longer being available to buy, and therefore becoming endangered. 
HOW: You don’t neccesarily have to have a large space to be a collection holder. In some cases an allotment, or greenhouse is enough. The only requirement is a passion for plants and an ambition to become an expert in your field.

To find out more, visit the Plant Heritage website.

Brickell Award 2024

The Mathers Foundation wins prestigious Brickell Award 2024 at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival for outstanding orchid conservation

The annual award – named after Plant Heritage’s founding member and Vice President Chris Brickell – celebrates excellence in cultivated plant conservation and has been awarded to Gill Mathers, David Mathers and Jim Durrant in recognition of their outstanding orchid conservation work; curating three National Collections (Oncidium, Pleione, and Stanhopea & Acineta species and hybrids), with two more planned.

The Mathers Foundation have been awarded for using sustainable growing techniques with minimal chemical use, and for their active laboratory propagation programme of existing and new cultivar seedlings. The judges also commended the Foundation for using the 17,000 plants within their care to support research; including tracking, identification and photographic logging of all their plants and studying improved methods of growing and propagation.

Gill Mathers, David Mathers and Jim Durrant

Garden historian Advolly Richmond presented Gill, David and Jim with the Brickell Award 2024 at Plant Heritage’s display in the floral marquee.

The Mathers Foundation have not only demonstrated their dedication to their collection, but also their passion” 
– Advolly Richmond

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.