RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

RHS Money-Saving Garden to help everyone keep growing

Money-saving gardener Anya Lautenbach shares her tips to grow more without spending a fortune at this year’s RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

RHS Money-Saving Garden
The RHS has joined up with Instagram sensation and money-saving gardener Anya Lautenbach, along with RHS Ambassador and leading plantsman Jamie Butterworth, to create a beautiful garden. They’ll be growing plants for free, saving money gardening and showing how nurturing plants is good for your health, wellbeing and the planet.

Read: Anya’s money-saving tips

Cost of living hits gardeners

A mounting body of research suggests that gardening and growing plants helps make us healthier, happier and is good for the environment, the RHS wants to keep the nation growing during the cost of living crisis, for people and the planet.

 “If you have an existing, relatively mature garden you can create more than 300 plants a year through propagating.  And that’s without a greenhouse or specialist equipment … it’s almost another whole garden for free!”
– Anya Lautenbach

The garden will show which hardworking plants, shrubs and trees will help give the best long-term value for money, while also supporting wildlife and helping the planet. Including how to repurpose and reuse items instead of spending money on new stuff and how to turn waste into precious materials.

Propergating tips from Anya and Jamie

Anya and Jamie share top propagating tips to grow a beautiful garden at a fraction of the cost, and give you a sneak peek of their RHS Money-Saving Garden at RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival 2024.

More from the RHS

There are also free tutorials and presentations during the show, looking at how to create a beautiful, but achievable garden, how to propagate plants and how to create natural plant supports.
Anya says:  “Like so many people, my personal journey includes lots of dark and sad times, and of course happy times. But the constant has been the garden, of growing plants, and being me, outside. The future of the planet and wildlife is one of my priorities and is intrinsic to the videos I make and content I produce. I also have what I call my ‘superpower’ (diagnosed as ADHD a few years ago) so I’m really aware of what I need, as an individual, to keep me well – and that is gardening and nature.”

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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.