An Introduction to Garden Plants


RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB

RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB


Wisley Lane, Woking


RHS Garden Wisley, RHS Hilltop – The Home of Gardening Science


  • Other Prices



  • Course running time

    Tuesday 24 June 2025, 10.30am–1.30pm

  • Skill level


  • Subject


  • Topic


Want to know more about your garden plants? This course introduces you to the range of plants growing in a typical garden; from naming and classifying, to year round maintenance and tips for getting the best from your garden plants. You will learn how to identify different types of plants, make more of your favourites and what to look for when buying garden plants.

The course includes a guided garden walk with practical demonstrations and the chance to question our expert tutor throughout.

Tutor: Louise Grimwood - RHS Horticultural Educator

Your ticket includes:
  • Entry to RHS Wisley, the RHS flagship garden
  • Professional tuition by an expert tutor in our purpose built learning studio and learning garden.
  • All tools and materials provided
  • Tea and coffee on arrival.

Additional info

Answers to the most frequently asked questions about courses and workshops at RHS Gardens can be found here.

Get involved

The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.