Common name: Trumpet vine
Eye-catching orange, red or yellow flowers adorn campsis through late summer and into autumn. This vigorous climber is easy to grow and relatively trouble free, quickly covering a large wall or other sturdy support.
Large clusters of trumpet flowers, usually red or orange and about 8cm (3in) long, open in late summer and autumn. This woody climber can eventually reach 10m (30ft) tall, clothing a large wall in lush foliage from spring to late autumn.
Give campsis a warm sheltered spot, at the base of a large wall or other sturdy support. It flowers best in full sun.
Avoid cold, exposed or windy sites, and shade. Don’t let newly planted campsis, or those growing in containers, dry out.
Did you know?
Campsis is a self-clinging climber, able to grip on to bare walls and other vertical surfaces. It produces aerial roots along its stems that hold it firmly in place. This means you don’t have to put up supporting wires or tie in new shoots. Ivy climbs walls in a similar way.
Growing guide

How to grow campsis
All the information you’ll need to grow and care for campsis in your garden.
Campsis we recommend
Campsis × tagliabueana 'Madame Galen'
trumpet creeper 'Madame Galen'
- 8–12 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Campsis radicans f. flava
yellow trumpet vine
- 8–12 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Campsis grandiflora
Chinese trumpet creeper
- 8–12 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Campsis × tagliabueana 'Madame Galen'
trumpet creeper 'Madame Galen'
- 8–12 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Campsis radicans f. flava
yellow trumpet vine
- 8–12 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Campsis grandiflora
Chinese trumpet creeper
- 8–12 metres
- 2.5–4 metres
Useful advice
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