Plants for the Future

RHS initiative will help amateur breeders bring new plants to the market

Lilium 'Twyford'Launched in 2014, Plants for the Future is an RHS initiative designed to help non-professional plant breeders.

The aim is to provide advice and support to these breeders, enabling them to bring an increased number of new plants to market, so increasing the numbers of cultivars that are commercially successful and support the horticultural industry as a whole.

Sarah Cook, RHS Herbaceous Plant Committee Vice Chair, National Collection Holder for Sir Cedric Morris Iris introductions, and RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2015 Gold medal winner, said: ‘It is important to help non-professional breeders to bring their new introductions to market, both for their own fulfilment, and for the benefit of UK horticulture in general. The RHS can help by being an enabler in this process, allowing plant breeders to fully understand their options.’

Plants for the Future events 

Please watch this space for our plans for 2017 events

Plants for the Future 2016 Workshop

Workshop Report 2016 (320kB pdf)
Workshop Presentation 2016 (3.9MB pdf)
APHA Website

Information for breeders 

Download more information encouraging breeders to consider their motives for taking a plant forward, assessing their skills and giving guidance on the route to choose. 

Plants for the Future – A guide to bringing new plants to market (1.1MB pdf)

Feature from The Plantsman – March 2016 (320kB pdf)


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