This contemporary urban garden has been designed for a philanthropic professional couple with a love of outdoor living.
Vistas and axes give the garden an underlying formality. Hard-landscaping introduces an elegant and contemporary streamlined feel, complemented by a luxuriant, lush and eclectic planting palette.
One of the garden’s main features is a natural plunge pool provided by Clear Water Revival. Immersed in planting, it has been inspired by 18th-century plunge pools, often situated in woodland glades.
A bespoke outdoor room, designed for entertaining and occasional home-working, overlooks the lily pond, a study in water effects: the stillness of the pond contrasts with the inserted ripple pools.
Perennial – the UK's only charity dedicating to helping all people who work in horticulture when times get tough – is working in partnership with Living Landscapes, Clear Water Revival, Harrod Horticultural, London Stone and Glendale Horticulture to bring this garden to visitors at the show. The collaboration has been made possible thanks to the dedication of the contributors to help Perennial continue to support horticulturists from across the UK.
Vistas and axes give the garden an underlying formality. Hard-landscaping introduces an elegant and contemporary streamlined feel, complemented by a luxuriant, lush and eclectic planting palette.
One of the garden’s main features is a natural plunge pool provided by Clear Water Revival. Immersed in planting, it has been inspired by 18th-century plunge pools, often situated in woodland glades.
A bespoke outdoor room, designed for entertaining and occasional home-working, overlooks the lily pond, a study in water effects: the stillness of the pond contrasts with the inserted ripple pools.
Perennial – the UK's only charity dedicating to helping all people who work in horticulture when times get tough – is working in partnership with Living Landscapes, Clear Water Revival, Harrod Horticultural, London Stone and Glendale Horticulture to bring this garden to visitors at the show. The collaboration has been made possible thanks to the dedication of the contributors to help Perennial continue to support horticulturists from across the UK.
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The Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. We aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants, and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place.