RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival

RHS Sanctuary Garden

Feature Garden

The RHS Sanctuary garden is inspired by ideas of Hortus conclusus – a Latin term meaning ‘enclosed garden’, traditionally used to provide a hidden sanctuary to its owners.

It is divided into three main rooms – the entrance garden, secret garden and garden of reflection. Each has been designed to represent the journey towards the inner sanctum and provide a sheltered environment for meditation, contemplation and self-reflection.

The planting themes reflect the different characters of the rooms. The entrance garden has a restricted palette with a controlled number of statement specimens. The inner courtyard is immersed in herbs and medicinal plants, and is full of colour and scent to represent the complexity of the human mind.

Those used within the garden of reflection are soft and airy, including the lacy umbels of Ammi majus, silky tufts of Pennisetum ‘Fairy Tails’ and feathery foliage of giant and bronze fennel creating a dream-like atmosphere.

Visitors are encouraged to immerse themselves, to soak up the complexity, beauty and scents of plants, while nourishing the body and soul.

This garden is also sponsored by Wienerberger, Quick Hedge, Majestic Trees, AllGreen Group and WowGrass.

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